You may be wondering what a fitness page is doing on a violinist’s website:

What kind of fitness program is this?

Burn Basics is designed to be an 8 week, full body strength training program using mostly dumbbells in a progressive overload format that can be done at home or anywhere you prefer to workout. Progressive overload uses the same basic workouts repeatedly, increasing weights as you go, so you’re constantly leveling up. It is simple (but not easy!) and can be done at any level, from beginner to seasoned athlete.

Because everyone’s time is valuable and nobody has enough of it, my workouts are designed to be short and fiery, 30-45 minutes tops.

Oddly enough, fitness and violin playing both hold a similar place in my life and heart.

They both require discipline and regular practice. They both provide great joy and for me, one cannot exist without the other.

I am a mom to four beautiful children and after my twins were born, I felt like my body was broken. I had to learn how to strengthen my body in a whole new way just to make daily life possible. It has been through this continuous journey that I have found how inextricably linked music is with movement and it is my passion to share with you the tools I have learned through extensive pelvic floor physical therapy and an intense strength training practice prescribed by my PFPT.

I hope you’ll join me for my guided workouts that include modifications for musicians, postpartum friendly movements and a mindset that encourages growth, mentally, physically and emotionally.