Greetings Students, I am thrilled to have you in my violin studio! Together we will embark on a very exciting journey of making music, and of building a lasting and meaningful relationship. Music lessons are about more than learning to play an instrument; they build a working relationship between teacher and student based on respect, openness, trust and communication. I still remember my first violin teacher, and to this day I think about him and what he would say to me when I am trying to make decisions about violin playing. I hope that we can develop a bond that helps us both become better musicians.

In order for the studio to run as effectively as possible, and so that we can ultimately focus on music, we both need to commit to the policies detailed here.

Thank you for joining the studio. I look forward to continuing the tradition of learning through music and I am honored to be your teacher.

Lesson time:

Please arrive a few minutes early to each lesson. This will ensure students have time to take off shoes and jackets, wash hands, have a drink of water, do whatever needs to be done before the lesson begins so that we can start on time. Often I will be finishing up with another student as you arrive, so please get ready quietly and take the instrument out of the case. This will allow students to take advantage of the full lesson time for a productive practice.


The nature of violin playing is that it requires short, clean finger nails. This may seem like a silly requirement, but it is important for students to keep finger nails trimmed so that they do not scratch the fingerboard or compromise the ideal hand position of either hand while playing the instrument. Please keep your finger nails on both hands short!


Weekly lessons are the time for students to ask questions, work on practice techniques and strategies, and to learn new material. However, a lesson can only be productive if students are practicing regularly and effectively at home. This is extremely important. Together during lessons we will work out a practice regimen that suits each student. Once that plan has been created, it is crucial for students to follow that plan, honoring the agreement between teacher and student. Of course, learning the violin requires great repetition and I am happy to remind students of things several times. However, lessons are not a time for repeating last week's lesson simply because the student did not practice. Lessons can only be as effective as is the preparation, so please do everything you can to practice and follow the regimen we agree upon.

Supplies to bring to each lesson:

  • Notebook — to record our lesson and new practice assignment

  • Pencil

  • Shoulder rest or support that we work out together

  • Rosin

  • Cloth for cleaning the violin after each practice

  • Music books

  • Any other materials we discuss as needed


One of the great benefits of studying an instrument is the opportunity to perform regularly in recitals. We typically have two recitals each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Students have the opportunity to perform with piano accompaniment, including a rehearsal with our pianist around one week before the performance. There is a small fee associated with each recital, usually around $30, which covers paying the pianist for the rehearsal and recital. *Participation in recitals is required unless otherwise discussed.

Cancellations and No-Shows:

You will be charged for weekly lessons regardless of your attendance. **This includes summer.** I understand that sometimes a student cannot make it to a lesson for a variety of reasons, we're all busy, and unscheduled events come up. Of course, it is impossible to predict if you are going to be ill or that an unexpected family event will arise. Unfortunately, even these instances do count as an absence and you will be charged. I hold this spot for our lessons, arrange child care around it and cannot simply fill the spot with another student’s lesson. There are times my performance/rehearsal schedule makes it necessary to reschedule our lessons. I work hard to keep these to an absolute minimum, and also do my best to reschedule with the least amount of disruption to our regular lesson schedule. You are welcome to coordinate and swap a lesson time with another student to accommodate your schedule if you need to miss and it works for another student.

*Note: Often I teach on school/government holidays. Your participation on these days is of course, optional. If you choose not to come on those days you will not be charged. Please let me know at least by your lesson the week before whether you plan to attend on the holiday. A last minute cancellation of these lessons if you are scheduled to come will be treated as a regular absence and charged accordingly.

** You are allowed one week of “summer vacation” from lessons without charge. Please let me know these dates as soon as you know them and no later than two weeks before when your lesson absence will be.

If, for any reason you decide to discontinue lessons, I require two weeks’ notice. No refunds given.

Lesson Rates and Payment:

  • 30 minutes: $45 – beginners and young students

  • 45 minutes: $65 — advanced young students, most students who reach the middle of Suzuki Book 2 and older beginners

  • 60 minutes: $80 – advanced students, most adults

Please plan to pay for lessons monthly, submitting payment by the first lesson of the month. You can pay by cash, check, Venmo, bank transfer, or whatever method we agree on. If Venmo, I will send payment requests at the beginning of the month.